Blog 411

This blog was created for our friends and family who don't get to see us -- well, Jonathan and Elise, really -- as often as they'd like. I'm trying to keep you all updated on their milestones and their day-to-day activities. I also hope this will serve as sort of a journal for them as well, something for them to read when they are older that chronologues their lives and adventures. When I can, I'll post pictures and maybe even videos to help bridge the distance.

This blog is Part 2 of the Life of the Hardwicks. This edition will focus on our new lives in Atlanta, GA, that began in July 2013.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

2013_09_17 Tuesday

I gave my first briefing for work in ages today. It was a co-briefing with a colleague I had never even met before, but I think we worked very well together and that it was well received. I thoroughly enjoyed being out and about with professionals and being able to help them understand what we do. There were no real questions at the end which is either indicative of a comprehensive briefing or a really boring one. hmmm. We got back exactly at pick-up time for E, so he just dropped me off at school. no biggie.

From Elise's school:
We had a busy day today! We talked about our body parts today. In Art, we measured how tall we are. X is our shortest classmate and X is our tallest classmate. We also made a balance beam out of our chairs.  X walked across the balance beam with ease and Elise really enjoyed walking across the beam.  In circle time, we counted how many body parts we all have. X counted all her friends and said that we each have two arms and two legs. X helped us to count all of our fingers and toes. We also talked about the letter E. X and X carefully traced their e's. Ms. Tiffany reminded all her friends that it doesn't matter if you can't trace them perfectly the first time, all that matters is that you tried.

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