Blog 411

This blog was created for our friends and family who don't get to see us -- well, Jonathan and Elise, really -- as often as they'd like. I'm trying to keep you all updated on their milestones and their day-to-day activities. I also hope this will serve as sort of a journal for them as well, something for them to read when they are older that chronologues their lives and adventures. When I can, I'll post pictures and maybe even videos to help bridge the distance.

This blog is Part 2 of the Life of the Hardwicks. This edition will focus on our new lives in Atlanta, GA, that began in July 2013.

Friday, September 6, 2013

2013_09_06 Friday

Happy National Read a Book Day!!!!

From Elise's school:
We had a great end of the week! Today was all about families. We made family trees. X told me all the names of his family members and told us the names of both of his brothers. X told us that she has one brother named X and one dog named X.  During music, we sang our days of the week and played choo choo choo. X loved playing the drums and Elise loved sing along to the music as we listened to the letter C phonics song.  We also played "auntie says" and everyone had fun jumping around and mimicking aunties motions. During computer time, we worked on recognizing the keyboard and mouse as well as letters and numbers while using the keyboard. We used the paint application to make a picture. X recognized the R in his name and X really enjoyed making a pretty picture for his mommy. We also traced the letter C today.  X did really well tracing her letter C's and X finished fast and traced every single C. As a reminder, Monday is show and tell, please bring in a picture of your family.

Jonathan did terrific this week. He got an All Star Sticker and 100% for class behavior and homework. So, to celebrate I had promised him frozen yogurt, but I was especially proud so we all went out for dinner of his choosing. What a great feeling.

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