Blog 411

This blog was created for our friends and family who don't get to see us -- well, Jonathan and Elise, really -- as often as they'd like. I'm trying to keep you all updated on their milestones and their day-to-day activities. I also hope this will serve as sort of a journal for them as well, something for them to read when they are older that chronologues their lives and adventures. When I can, I'll post pictures and maybe even videos to help bridge the distance.

This blog is Part 2 of the Life of the Hardwicks. This edition will focus on our new lives in Atlanta, GA, that began in July 2013.

Friday, October 25, 2013

2013_10_25 Friday

It was cold and dark this morning!! I mean 35. It's warmed up enough since then, but gesh! I thought we were in the south!!
Her "cupcake" hat

I also explored town a bit more today and found a good consignment shop. Not like our old one (prices are generally higher), but it should serve its purpose!

Elise's school:
We had a great day today even thought it was very cold! Today we talked about how to compare and contrast. We started by comparing and contrasting apples and oranges.  X helped us compare and contrast by saying that apples are red, green, and yellow.  X told us that oranges are soft. We then compared the city and the farm and Clifford, Cleo, and T-Bone.  We also went on a treasure hunt to look for our animal friends.  X found Cleo behind the cabinet and X found Clifford in Ms. Rebecca's room. X followed the directions and took three big hops in order to help find T-bone, who was hiding in X's cubby.   We all tried to write our very own I's today.  X practiced writing his own I's and Elise told us that Iguana starts with the letter I. During circle time, we talked about Halloween yet X told us that she is going to be a princess. 

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