Blog 411

This blog was created for our friends and family who don't get to see us -- well, Jonathan and Elise, really -- as often as they'd like. I'm trying to keep you all updated on their milestones and their day-to-day activities. I also hope this will serve as sort of a journal for them as well, something for them to read when they are older that chronologues their lives and adventures. When I can, I'll post pictures and maybe even videos to help bridge the distance.

This blog is Part 2 of the Life of the Hardwicks. This edition will focus on our new lives in Atlanta, GA, that began in July 2013.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

2014_04_30 Wednesday

Elise had her #4 doctor's appointment today. She did really terrific all the way through...until it came time for three vaccines. The nurse gave them to her very quickly in her arm; Elise was great with the first one, but less great with #2 and even less great with #3. THEN, she really freaked out when the nurse put bandaids on. And I mean freaked out, which lasted for what felt like forever but may have been 10 minutes (which is still a long time). Did I mention that she was in only underware this whole time. Finally, she calmed down enough to tell me that she didn't like bandaids. So I told her that if she could get dressed, we could take them off. So she did, and I did. Man alive! Seems like that was a mole hill sort of event!!

But, she's about 50% for weight and about 20% for height. Had great hearing...hmmm...that's odd....

1 comment:

  1. Is that sort of like going in for an xray of a shoulder that probably wasn't broken, but certainly was when she was finished yelling and screaming and head butting the poor technicians who just tried to take a little picture?
