Blog 411

This blog was created for our friends and family who don't get to see us -- well, Jonathan and Elise, really -- as often as they'd like. I'm trying to keep you all updated on their milestones and their day-to-day activities. I also hope this will serve as sort of a journal for them as well, something for them to read when they are older that chronologues their lives and adventures. When I can, I'll post pictures and maybe even videos to help bridge the distance.

This blog is Part 2 of the Life of the Hardwicks. This edition will focus on our new lives in Atlanta, GA, that began in July 2013.

Monday, April 21, 2014

2014_04_21 Monday

From Elise's school:
We began learning about the wetlands today.  X liked how the ducks could swim through the grasses because of their "teeny tiny feet".  X liked the alligators, lily pads and "people that sink".  X and Elise spent lots of center time tracing letters and I must say they look beautiful. At lunchtime, X helped X remember why we don't swing our arms at the table - we'll spill our water!  Big congratulations go out to X for being a BIG sister!  X shared that he was excited about being a big brother soon and wants to name his little sister Baby Molly. 

From my trip to Budapest:
I've totally lost track of the days now. Buuuuut, today was purely touristy stuff for me. I had a massage here at the hotel in the morning. It was very nice and not entirely different than US ones, although I wasn't entirely relaxed since I'm really on unfamiliar turf in Budapest. But, it was a really nice treat for myself. I did discover a sauna that I may try to visit tomorrow night.

Then I popped out and got a Hundog, which is that bratwurst-like hotdog I had earlier this week. There's a bread snack (I think it's may be dusted with cinnamon and wrapped around a stick and cooked over an open fire) on my "to try" list still. As I finished off my Fanta, I strolled to the bus stop since I wanted to spend some time in Hero's Square today. When I went to take a picture on the way, I realized my battery apparently discharged rather than charged so it has no juice. ugh! I got up to the square, and there's a huge castle behind it, so I mozed around there. They had lots of stalls here too and beautiful parks. So, I followed the crowd -- finally saw my first viszla dogs! -- and ended up at a kids dance Hungarian. They had a stage where one guy was leading a dance party. Call Me Maybe and Gangnam Style were the two that I recognized. The rest were Hungarian rock songs, I guess. It made me laugh out loud to see their dance moves. I also popped into a church, seeing that it is Easter. And, then I aimed for the Budapest Zoo. Didn't find it, but I did find a circus that I had read about! It was $15, 2 hrs long, and I was in row 6! Amazing. They opened with 4 tigers, followed by a elephant that could do crow pose on a spinning platform, and 11 horses (PETA probably would not approve). They had the regular goofy clowns and magic show, acrobats, wheel of death, tight rope walkers, and a girl who balanced a sword on her forehead (like we saw in MWD). Then, a guy in a spiderman bodysuit climbed up a rope and did his whole routine on the ceiling WITHOUT a security net or rope! He did the monkeybars with his feet, so it looked like he was walking on the ceiling. He even did some Spiderman-esque acrobatics up there. It was awesome.

I caught the last bus out of there and was hoping I could transfer to another sightseeing line, but because it's Easter, everything shut down way early. So, I missed that opportunity. Road the same tourist line from yesterday again and got to hear Hungarian history again.

Then, my friend in Kyiv had recommended her favorite gulash place, which happens to be a few blocks from my hotel, so I gave that a go. Bean gulash was ok, a little thin/watery for my taste, but certainly not bad. I also saw my first Puli (that's the mop-looking dog) tonight too. had a 1/2 liter beer (light but local), olives, pretzel nubs, and the soup (with bread) for $20. nice. I was going to try local ice cream, but it's actually pretty cold here, so I skipped it.   

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is back to work, oh boy.

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